Do you want to see a piece of legislation on your next voter ballot? Referendums and propositions are two processes used to do just that. What exactly are referendums and...
Here at Dorn Policy Group, Inc., we are proud of the work we do and the relationships we build. As an Arizona-based company, we strive to better our community, and...
Government is a revolving door with elected officials constantly developing new laws and regulations that impact businesses. It’s like that old saying goes: it’s all about who you know. How...
Lobbying is the art of influencing key policy makers in regard to specific issue areas that might affect one or more clients the firm represents. Lobbyists give a voice to...
Every year, or every other year, states face the task of creating budgets that adequately address the needs of their residents while also maintaining their short-term and long-term fiscal objectives....
In today’s business environment the people you know and the connections you have are of equal if not more value than what you know. A business network is a vital...
There are many ways in which businesses of all sizes can benefit from a government relations firm. From helping to expand your potential client base to making sure you are...
In today’s exceptionally competitive society, there is a high demand for government relations professionals. Their advocacy can provide much-needed support for businesses, both big and small, on policies that may...
There has been a shift in government interest relating to public-private partnerships (P3s). A P3 involves the collaboration between government agencies and private-sector companies to finance, build, and operate different...