Nursing Homes Fight for Protection from Lawsuits


As we mentioned in a previous blog post about why lobbying will be important as a result of COVID-19, hiring a lobbyist is a critical move to prepare for the future of your company in 2020 and beyond. But, even before the virus hit, hiring a lobbyist was and still remains important if you are in the healthcare industry, especially within the skilled nursing or long-term care sector. Due to the effects of COVID-19  on the elderly or those with a weakened immune system, residents of these communities are dying at a much higher rate. Nursing homes are currently fighting for federal protections from Congress to ensure they do not get sued as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

How Lobbying Can Help

There are more than 20 states, at this point, that have taken action to limit exposure to legal liabilities. According to a recent article, over 1,300 coronavirus-related lawsuits have been filed since May 1st, 2020, with a total of 2,600 filed in 2020. In fact, businesses are pushing their lobbyists focus to legislators to ensure the implementation of business liability protections. This shield would have a reach-back period so the companies that have lawsuits already against them, would be cleared. 

Be Proactive Before It’s Too Late

The healthcare industry, and especially nursing homes, has been a quiet but powerful lobby force for years. Because the regulations for skilled nursing facilities are heavily influenced by the government, itis necessary that facility owners have proper representation. However, waiting too long to hire a lobbyist can hurt your business by not ensuring government representation soon enough. 

The Difference At Dorn

At Dorn Policy Group, we have expert experience at the state and federal levels to give your company the representation it needs to influence policy. During these uncertain times, it is important to have a plan of action ready to go rather than scramble at the last minute to protect your business. Contact us today to help give your healthcare facility the government presence it needs and let your voice be heard. 

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