May 11, 2020

Two lobbyists shaking hands in front of bookshelf

Why is lobbying important? The short answer is it ensures a productive government. Without lobbyists, the government has a hard time sorting out differences of opinions when it comes to handling their citizens’ needs. 

Diving deeper into the details of lobbying, lobbyists are a great educational tool for legislators to use when voting on a subject matter they may not know much about. 

Strength in Numbers

You may wonder, why can’t a company and its management have direct contact to the government legislatures and represent themselves? One of the most important factors lobbyists have is access to government officials through experience and group goals. Legislatures are more likely to listen to the bearings of a group knowing there is large support behind it rather than just an individual or a single organization. 

In addition, what if citizens have conflicting interests? Lobbying can also help sort those interests out and provide some insight to legislatures. 

Ability to Follow-up

Another factor in the importance of a lobbyist is their ability to put pressure on government officials. There is a lot going on in government and new issues come in that could surpass other issues. Lobbyists have the ability to provide constant communication and shed light on its current issues. 

Partner With Dorn Policy Group

Here at Dorn Policy Group, we are one of the best lobby firms here in Phoenix, Arizona. 

With 20 years of experience, we provide advocacy for interest groups around the entire state of Arizona. We service a wide variety of clients, lobbying for them at the federal, state, county, municipal, district, and tribal level. Contact us to learn more about how we lobby for your issue.

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