December 2020

Businesses often find it difficult to navigate around zoning regulations on certain areas of land. Zoning is the process by which local policymakers restrict the use of the property and provide allowable land uses within its jurisdiction. As a growing business, you may be faced with zoning restrictions that may impede your ability to thrive. By partnering with a lobbying firm, you can stay ahead of the curve by having a team of advocates work on your behalf. We’ve highlighted some areas below that business owners may face when encountering zoning restrictions.

Avoid Expensive Land Use Costs

While costs can vary depending on the land and its regulations, the approval to use certain land can be costly. According to the Independent Institute, many applicants may spend $5,000 to $20,000 to gain approval for a basic conditional use permit. Not to mention the additional fees that might be incurred for transportation engineers or environmental consultants. 

Lobbyists can fight on the business owner’s behalf by voicing their grievances and using communication skills to sway legislators’ decisions. It’s difficult for small businesses to reach policymakers, so lobbying firms can be the link that brings the two together.

Influence Regulations to Avoid Fines

Another important aspect business owners must consider are regulations on what businesses can be established in the area. For example, in the case of Adrian Hernandez v. City of Hanford, a furniture business owner was cited for violating an ordinance limiting furniture stores to an area of 2,500 square feet. Laws like this aren’t uncommon, and if business owners are not careful, they can be hit with hefty fines. 

Your business is your livelihood, and you can’t afford to be fined for running your business. Through strategic planning and issues management, lobbying firms can help you move forward.

Help You Navigate Through Relocation and Licensing

If you’re a growing business and are looking to relocate, it may be beneficial to have a group of advocates on your side. Not only do agencies help influence government officials to reconsider zoning and land use regulations, but they can provide the necessary resources in relocation and licensing. Not to mention their ability to find resolutions in a quick, positive manner

Influence Zoning Regulations with Dorn Policy Group

Zoning ordinances can be complex to understand and may hinder the business owner’s ability to thrive. By partnering with a lobbying firm, they can avoid costly fines and influence key policymakers to revise regulations in favor of the business owner. As one of Arizona’s top lobbying firms, Dorn Policy Group has the expertise to assist in any matter relating to land use and zoning ordinances. Contact us today to learn what we can do for you.

A lobbying meeting going over strategy for a client

Owner, HR, CFO, procurement, IT. Small business owners have several roles to carry out.  One that may never be thought of, yet may be one of the most important, is a lobbyist.  Legislators regularly create policies that sometimes make or break small businesses. While it may be assumed that lobbying firms primarily lookout for the best interests of large corporations, that is not necessarily true. There are a large number of boutique lobbyists that lookout for the little guy. There are several reasons why a small business might need to hire a lobbyist, but we have broken it down into three important categories to consider.

They Have Experience in Influencing Legislation

While anybody can gain the attention of lawmakers and government agencies, there is a very slim chance they can actually sway their decision. This is where lobbyists come in. They know how to reach key policymakers and have the knowledge and experience to strategically influence their decision. Small business owners likely lack the right connections or resources to garner enough recognition for their cause. By partnering with a lobbying firm, their voice has a chance of being heard on all levels of government.

They Can Strategically Communicate Your Case

As we mentioned above, lobbying firms have experience in influencing policy decisions. One way they achieve this is by focusing on key communication strategies, such as capturing media attention, utilizing digital platforms, and community outreach. These plans of action are proven to influence policymakers and public opinion if successfully implemented. By partnering with a lobbying group, small business owners will have a team of experts whose communication skills will push their message further than simply doing it alone. 

They Get Results Faster Than DIY Lobbying

Through their knowledge and communication skills, lobbying firms have the ability to get results faster than a business owner would by working alone. This is especially true if the owner is dealing with a time-sensitive issue. While there is never a guarantee they will get the desired results, it is a safe bet they are more likely to reach legislation much more efficiently than the average small business owner. 

Dorn Policy Group Welcomes Small Business Partnerships

As one of Arizona’s top lobbying firms, we are dedicated to helping businesses large and small. We have more than 60 years of combined experience and know the best strategies to ensure your voice is heard on the issues that matter to you. If you’re a small business owner in need of assistance do not hesitate to contact us today!

Statue holding a balancing weight to signify law and order lobbying lawyer

While lobbyists and lawyers both practice law, there are quite a few key differences when it comes to comparing them. Being able to spot these differences can help you determine which route is best for you. After all, you want to be able to hire someone on your behalf to get the job done.

Additionally, both sets of groups have their own laws to uphold, and knowing these can also save you from legal and ethical problems. So, what are the main differences between lobbyists and lawyers? What are their duties and responsibilities? How can they benefit from each other?

What Is A Lobbyist?

In order to understand what the difference is between lobbyists and lawyers, first need to specify what each profession is and what they do. As explained in our previous blog post, lobbying refers to the act of influencing key policymakers at the local, state, and federal levels. They do so by taking a stance on issues that best align with their client’s goals and interests and persuading elected officials to vote in line with those stated goals. 

Lobbyists tend to specialize in certain areas and can be hired by individuals, corporations, small businesses, and firms. They can also work alone or for a lobbying firm. Furthermore, lobbyists have to register with the State and disclose their clients each quarter. 

What Is A Lawyer?

On the other hand, a lawyer is someone who advises and represents clients in legal matters. These clients can be individuals, corporations, or small businesses. A lawyer’s main focus is to protect the rights of their clients and uphold the law to the best of their capabilities. Lawyers can also specialize in certain subjects and focus their work on those areas only.

In simple terms, a lawyer is someone who upholds the law and also protects their client’s rights. A lobbyist is someone who tries to persuade key decision-makers in favor of their client’s best interests.

Can Lobbyists and Lawyers Benefit from Each Other?

Lawyers can benefit from lobbyists in the fact that they can change the law. While lobbyists cannot do this alone, their relationships allow them access to key policymakers in their effort to change certain aspects of the law. By doing so a lawyer’s job can become easier in their pursuit of upholding the law while keeping their client’s best interests in mind and protecting their rights.

Dorn Policy Group Will Advocate For You

As a leading professional lobbying and public affairs firm in Arizona, Dorn Policy Group will provide you with policy advice to meet your goals and keep your interests top of mind. Working with all levels of government, our principal staff has nearly 60 years of combined experience. We will advocate on your behalf to the people that matter. Contact us today and learn how Dorn Policy Group can help you.

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