
Health care researchers working in life science lab

Arizona’s focus on life science and health innovation is important for both our state’s citizens and life science national ranking alike. Our state’s innovators are constantly working to develop pioneering treatments and cures that can help the quality of life for all Arizonans. These healthcare initiatives relate closely to the quality of life for our state’s citizens including troops, veterans, and the seniors who helped build the country we currently live in.

What is The Arizona Health Innovation Trust Fund (AHIT)?

The Arizona Health Innovation Trust Fund (AHIT) was established in 2022 under Arizona Revised Statute section 41-177. AHIT represents a lasting endowment fund that encompasses money continually allocated by public and private funding. On an annual basis, the Arizona State Treasurer is responsible for allocating four percent of the monetary resources within AHIT to an entity that fulfills a set of specific requirements. This is a permanent endowment that provides annual distributions to a 501c3 non-profit that:

  • Provides entrepreneurial education, mentoring, and support to persons in the health innovation and healthcare delivery sectors.
  • Provides programs that support workforce development. 
  • Provides programs that support the development and commercialization of health innovation.
  • Has entered into an endowment agreement with the treasurer that includes investment procedures, maturity timelines, other requirements established by the Treasurer, and entity reporting requirements. 

This non-profit entity must submit an annual report, as prescribed by the Treasurer, to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Treasurer by each December 31. 

This eligible entity must first and foremost be a charitable organization. Furthermore, it should provide valuable support to individuals engaged in the health innovation and healthcare delivery sectors, including entrepreneurial education, mentoring, and guidance. Additionally, it should offer programs that contribute to workforce development, as well as initiatives that promote the advancement and commercialization of health innovation. 

The Importance of Health Science Innovation

Arizona’s status as a health innovation center means there are constant developments moving forward in the state’s medical space and plenty of breakthroughs awaiting in the discovery pipeline. 

These exciting ideas require the necessary resources to fully thrive in the Arizona innovation landscape. The innovators and entrepreneurs working hard in the medical space can benefit from initiatives like AHIT by using accumulated funds to help progress their medical projects forward in research and development.  The focus of the fund emphasizes the smaller bioscience ventures that exist to propel Arizona’s medical innovation setting into the future. Rather than being a cost to the state, AHIT should be seen as a great investment for the state itself and for its inhabitants. 

The important medical projects being developed in the state vary in purpose but serve many crucial outcomes. Medical advancements are being made in areas such as:

  • Screenings and Diagnostics
  • Drugs, Biologics, and Vaccines
  • Medical Devices and Tools
  • Health IT

Arizona’s focus on life science and health innovation through initiatives like AHIT  demonstrates the state’s commitment to improving the quality of life for its citizens. The investments made in the health innovation sector, along with the expertise of organizations like Dorn Policy Group, Inc., further solidify Arizona’s position as a leading hub for life sciences.

If you or your organization would like more information on how to support The Arizona Health Innovation Trust Fund or attend the annual Ponte Cura, The Bridge To Cures benefit supporting The Arizona Health Innovation Trust Fund through AZAdvances on September 29, 2023 visit

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. Advocates for Arizona

When you partner with a government relations firm like Dorn Policy Group, Inc., you’re not just getting our support. You gain an invaluable partner who advocates for your success. With nearly 60 years of combined experience, we’re experts in obtaining the results you need for success. Contact us today to learn more about our services and what we can do for you. 

Cyber Security in Cyber Command Center

In early October, Governor Doug Ducey launched Arizona’s new Cyber Command Center during a ceremony at the Department of Public Safety’s Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center (ACTIC) in Phoenix. The reason behind the new center and state-of-the-art technology is to subdue the growing threat of malicious cyber activity around the world. 

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. is one of Arizona’s top public affairs consulting firms. We partner with organizations to ensure their business goals are met and voices are heard by Arizona’s elected officials. Read our blog post below and learn how Arizona’s new Cyber Command Center will boost our economy and protect our cyber infrastructure.

Cybersecurity is a Global Issue

In a recent Global Risk Report from the World Economic Forum, researchers found that cybersecurity is one of the most concerning risks impacting economies worldwide. Of 650 World Economic Forum leaders, nearly 40% cited cybersecurity as a clear detriment to the global economy. 

Maybe this is due to our dependence on technology. Or, maybe it is a ripple effect caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Whatever the case, it is an issue that must be addressed. 

The Arizona Command Center Aims to Protect Our Economy

Researchers found that Arizona lost nearly $1.6 billion from data breaches, and 10.9 million records were stolen or lost as a direct result. Moreover, they found that Arizona schools have leaked over 2.8 million records online since 2005. Cybersecurity has also been a huge concern for Arizona’s health institutions, having cost an estimated $4.2 million and exposed the records of over 11,000 patients in the state. 

With technology being so common-place, from both a personal and business perspective, something must be done to protect the infrastructure from cyberattacks. The Arizona Cyber Command Center will play a critical role in protecting Arizonans and ensuring our cyber infrastructure remains safe and secure. It will be the state’s headquarters for coordinating statewide cybersecurity operations and will work with local, state, and federal agencies in preventing online attacks. 

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. Advocates for Stronger Cybersecurity

As one of the leading Arizona government relations firms, we know how important it is to be noticed by key elected officials and community leaders. With such a large, diverse community, it can be difficult getting your voice heard. Dorn Policy Group, Inc. ensures you are represented in the best possible light. Contact us today and learn how we can help your business find success through strong government relations. 

Two men shaking hands about the technology industry in arizona

In a recent study by the U.S. Census Bureau, Phoenix saw the largest population growth between 2010 and 2020. This is due to a number of factors, such as a large job market, housing prices, weather, and lifestyle. As one of the hottest job markets in the country, the technology industry is one of the many growing sectors in Arizona.

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. is one of Arizona’s top public affairs consulting firms. We partner with organizations to ensure their business goals are met and voices are heard by Arizona’s elected officials. Read our blog post below and learn how the booming technology industry is impacting Arizona’s economy.

A Growing Presence in the Technology Industry

According to a second-quarter 2021 report from DiceTech, the Phoenix metropolitan area had the eighth largest quarter-to-quarter jump in job posting volume among all U.S. cities. 

The Valley’s increase in job postings is reflective of the impact the technology sector can have on our economy. Over the past year and a half, Arizona has looked to the technology industry to continue our state’s growth, protect Arizonans and allow businesses to easily connect with employees and consumers. 

The technology industry has played an important role in our economy and it’s showing no signs of slowing down.

Who is Leading the Charge in Arizona’s Technology Industry?

There are many key players in Arizona’s technology sector. It’s hard to miss the presence of Intel, Raytheon, Honeywell, CP North America, and many others. 

It’s also hard not to highlight the different areas of technology rapidly growing in our state. This includes:

  • Education technology
  • Bioscience
  • Autonomous and electric vehicles
  • Healthcare technology
  • And many more

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. Advocates for a Strong Technology Presence

As one of the leading Arizona government relations firms, we know how important it is to be noticed by key elected officials and community leaders. With such a large, diverse community, it can be difficult getting your voice heard. Especially, when you’re a newly emerging technology company.

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. ensures the technology industry is represented in the best possible light. Contact us today and learn how we can help your business find success through strong government relations. 

Group of employees of a tech company sitting on couches

The world is currently in the midst of a technological revolution. According to Finances Online, the world spent $3.360 billion in 2019 on technology products and services for personal and business use. As a result, many tech companies are leveraging their resources to partner with lobbying firms to sway the U.S. government towards policies that benefit their industry. 


What are tech companies lobbying for?

Many tech companies lobby for similar goals. For example, many of the big companies are lobbying for online privacy rules, software piracy, patents, cybersecurity, and tax issues. While they may fight for similar goals, each company has their own specific priorities.

Google’s top issues involve telecommunications, copyright, labor, antitrust, and workplace regulations. In comparison, Facebook’s primary issues have been immigration, taxes, and computer and information technology. The social media giant has lobbied S.268, the CUT Loopholes Act, which is intended to keep companies from offshoring profits. 

Amazon is lobbying to reform the U.S. tax code for vendor collection of internet sales taxes. Their other major issues include copyright, patent, and trademark, as well as consumer product safety – to limit their liability if someone hurts themselves with their product. 

Opportunities for Smaller Tech Companies

While tech startups do not have the monetary resources that larger companies have, they can still make their voices heard. It is important for smaller companies to have their presence and concerns known by key policymakers as well. Smaller tech companies can enlist the assistance of boutique lobbyists to advocate on their behalf to influence policies in legislation. 

Many smaller tech companies are hiring in-house lobbyists so they have a team entirely devoted to having a presence in legislation. In 2014, Uber began in-house lobbying to go up against regulations that they felt were holding ride-sharing back. As a result, they spent over $100,000 in their lobbying efforts.

Tech Companies in Arizona

While people are not wrong when they say Silicon Valley is the hub for tech companies, Phoenix, Arizona is becoming a magnet for the industry. Deloitte reports 7 of the fastest-growing public and private technology companies in North America have locations in Phoenix, Arizona. More companies are setting up shop here primarily due to our lower cost of doing business, affordable quality of life, and a strong, growing talent pool. Subsequently, our tech industry is being called the Silicon Desert

Phoenix has become the perfect location for tech companies as it provides them an affordable option while remaining close to the west coast. 


Let Dorn Policy Group Advocate on Your Behalf

With more tech companies deciding to set up shop, it is becoming vital for them to have people advocating on their behalf. At Dorn Policy Group, we are experts in getting industries heard through strategic communication and strong government relations. Contact us today to hear how your company will benefit from our lobbying, policy, and advocacy services.

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