March 2021

Arizona license plate

Our team has been working with a number of organizations and lawmakers on issues that impact our local communities. One proposal that we have been working closely on is House Bill 2262. This bill would bring a retro look to modern license plates, and provide new design options for motorists. Additionally, the new technology will enhance license plate visibility and reduce Arizona’s crime.

Background to House Bill 2262

According to the National Sheriffs’ Association, motor vehicles are involved in 70% of serious crimes in the U.S. It is not uncommon for suspects to use their car in criminal activity, and sometimes the only way to identify criminals is by their license plate. However, license plates are not always legible and law enforcement officers have a much more difficult time finding the suspect. While many use automated license plate readers, the technology can have trouble detecting older license plates. 

What the Bill Hopes to Accomplish

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. and other stakeholders are advocating for HB 2262 to protect and benefit law enforcement efficiency. The importance of license plate legibility cannot be overstated. It provides law enforcement and good samaritans with the ability to quickly read a license plate after a crime is committed, which often impacts how quickly Arizona crimes are solved. That is why we would like to introduce new legacy license plates for vehicles from 1973 to 1996

The designs would resemble plates that were previously used in the State:

  • Copper background with green lettering per the appearance of plates issued from 1973 to 1980.
  • Maroon background with white lettering per the appearance of plates issued from 1980 to 1996.

House Bill 2262 would bring a retro look to modern license plates and allow consumers to choose one or more designs. These plates would not only attract and retain collector car hobbyists, but provide stronger visibility for other drivers and law enforcement. We expect these new plates would be an excellent solution to increasing public safety and reducing crime.

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. Will Continue to Fight For House Bill 2262

We believe House Bill 2262 will have a significant impact on Arizona communities statewide. As one of the top Arizona lobbyists, we strive to develop a strategy to ensure policies like these are seen by lawmakers. We believe in the work we do and with our assistance, your voice will be heard by those who matter. Contact us today to learn more about House Bill 2262, or if you would like assistance in reaching local lawmakers.

stethoscope and heart next to an insurance health claim form on a blue background

Here at Dorn Policy Group, Inc., we are hard at work for our clients during the 2021 Legislative Session. We are highlighting one of our clients, the School of Cardiac and Vascular Ultrasound Program, at the Arizona Heart Foundation. The Arizona Heart Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to the on-going fight against cardiovascular disease. Their main vision and goal is to provide complimentary ultrasound screenings to underserved and/or at-risk adult populations throughout rural Arizona counties. But how do they plan to accomplish this? That is where Dorn Policy Group, Inc. steps in.

The Project

Did you know that heart disease is the #1 killer in the United States? Every year 1,000,000 people die of heart disease in the U.S. The School of Cardiac and Vascular Ultrasound Program is trying to identify those residents who are at risk. Dorn Policy Group, Inc. is helping them capture funding to provide complimentary screenings for those in rural Arizona who may not have immediate access to health care services. 

As the COVID-19 situation evolved, residents in rural and lower-income areas requested scans; however, they were unable to make the drive to Phoenix. Residents throughout Arizona were hesitant to visit their local emergency rooms or hospital setting in fear of contracting COVID-19, leaving them at risk for undetected cardiac and vascular disease. 

Rural Arizonans are at Risk

The Arizona Department of Health Services 2019 Burden Report states that in 2017, seven Arizona counties i.e., Mohave, La Paz, Apache, Gila, Cochise, Graham, and Yavapai, had higher cardiovascular disease death rates (per 100,000 population) than the average Arizona state rate.

The Coconino County 2017 Annual Report states that 30% of residents receive public health insurance, and 1 in 6 residents do not have health insurance at all. This number equates to 100,000 people. The burden of caring for this population rests solely on the State, costing Arizona a large sum of money every year in health claims.

Dorn Policy Group, Inc.’s Impact

Where do we come in? Our lobbying team facilitates the relationships between governmental health agencies and tribal leaders to identify at-risk populations. From there, we identify possible funding mechanisms for the School of Cardiac and Vascular Ultrasound Program to perform screenings to those populations that are at risk. According to the Arizona Department of Health Services, 80% of cardiovascular disease is preventable. However, it is costing the State of Arizona $4 billion every year because it is the most expensive disease to care for. The screenings will help catch cardiovascular disease early, thus saving lives and money. 

We Can Partner with You Too

At Dorn Policy Group, Inc., our specialty is shaping policy for our clients that decision-makers understand and can support. For 20 years, we have partnered with our clients to ensure success in their business by lobbying at the Federal, State, County, Municipal, Tribal, and District level. We want to ensure a brighter future for the people in our community and in our government. Contact us today to learn more about shaping government policy.

Two government lobbyists shaking hands over house bill 2262

Oftentimes, people associate lobbying with big corporations, organizations, or businesses in Washington, D.C. However, there are other types, such as intergovernmental lobbying. 

Intergovernmental lobbying means that cities, counties, and states allocate both resources and funding in order to achieve their specified goals with regard to other levels of government. While this type of lobbying is not well-known, similar to lobbying for small businesses, intergovernmental lobbying can prove to be very beneficial. It has become increasingly popular with over $77 million being spent in 2015 alone, compared to the $150 million spent between 1998-2008. 

Reasons Why Cities and Towns Hire Lobbyists

There are plenty of reasons as to why cities, towns, counties, and states would want to hire lobbyists. Just like every business and organization has different needs, all levels of government also have issues that affect their industry. 

Some of these issues include:

  • Unemployment
  • Infrastructure
  • Housing
  • Public Safety
  • Immigration
  • Drug Abuse Prevention
  • Budget
  • Tribal Land Issues
  • Minimum Wage Rate
  • Transportation
  • Education

Whether it is a small town in Alaska avoiding unincorporation or San Antonio getting a new courthouse, there are plenty of benefits that come from local governments hiring lobbyists. 

Additionally, cities and towns hire lobbyists to push back against state laws that limit their jurisdiction. With so much legislation being introduced at the state level, local governments can have a hard time finding the time to be there and represent their interests. By hiring a lobbyist, these government entities can get a seat at the table and have their voices heard. With governmental procedures sometimes being slow and taking longer than desired, lobbyists can speed up the process by influencing key policymakers in the approval or disapproval of certain bills. 

In the end, it is about being represented in front of the people that matter and have your voice heard. Just like big corporations and organizations are represented in Washington, D.C., towns, cities, and states can be represented as well, which can bring real benefits and change to their communities. 

Dorn Policy Will Advocate For You

As a leading Arizona-based professional lobbying and public affairs firm, Dorn Policy Group works with all levels of government including Federal, State, County, Municipal, District, and Tribes. Working with both Republicans and Democrats, as well as Independents, we will provide you with the best strategic counsel to advance and reach your objectives. Contact us today to get started!

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