General Lobbying

According to the United States Small Business Administration, there are approximately 28 million small businesses, which account for 54% of sales across a diverse range of industries.  While it is assumed lobbyists are only looking out for conglomerates, there are many lobbying firms that act on behalf of smaller businesses.  By employing boutique lobbyists to support their business, small business owners are able to voice their concerns with policymakers who matter.

What Are Boutique Lobbyists

Boutique lobbyists are individuals who work for smaller companies. They serve their small business clients by incorporating strategies into their advocacy approach to reach targeted decision-makers. Similar to large corporations, boutique lobbyists focus their efforts on serving businesses based on their political needs. However, the biggest difference between small business lobbyists and those who handle large companies’ political affairs is the client’s ability to spend. Smaller lobbying agencies will understand this and will often take a more frugal approach in their strategy in order to obtain the desired results. 

What to Expect From Boutique Lobbyists

Due to having a lower budget to accommodate smaller businesses, lobbyists will incorporate cost-efficient strategies into their campaign.  They will put their focus into smaller initiatives such as communication strategies, building strong relationships, and networking with the right people.  Another way boutique lobbyists work with small businesses is by including them in all aspects of the advocacy process.  Most of these businesses are working with lobbyists for the first time, so any good agency will take the time to explain their process and update them on their efforts.

Let Dorn Policy Group Work For You

If you are having trouble getting your voice heard by key policymakers let us be your microphone. As one of Arizona’s top-level lobbying firms, Dorn Policy Group is committed to each of our clients!  Contact us today to learn how Dorn Policy Group can help you!

Two intercultural delegates and their colleagues on background discussing Lobbying Opportunities

One of the most common questions we get from people who are new to the lobbying industry is why is lobbying legal? Is lobbying considered bribery? No! Lobbying is a right guaranteed in the First Amendment of the Constitution and has been reaffirmed by the government that it is in fact legal. There are major differences between lobbying and bribery; however, sometimes people mix them up. 

Why is Lobbying Different From Bribery?

All too often, lobbying is misinterpreted as bribery. The key factor that differentiates lobbying from bribery is the effort to buy power or paying to guarantee a certain result. However, lobbying is designed to educate and guide government officials on particular topics. The intention and definition of bribery suggest that it would result in a favorable outcome. In turn, lobbying helps influence power, while bribery buys power for the subjects’ benefit. Harvard conducted a study looking at the donations lobbyists give to help influence power compared to a straight bribe and they said: “[Lobbying is] served to build trusted relationships over time and to offset any inconvenience caused by taking the lawmaker’s time.”  

How Does Lobbying Avoid Bribery?

Lobbyists are a group of like-minded individuals, coming together to shape legislation. In fact, the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 requires people to register with the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House to file all information regarding their expenditures and activities. Therefore, lobbying is set up to be transparent to the government and is recorded to prevent any corruption. 

Why is Lobbying Important?

As we have talked about in our previous blog post, lobbying is a crucial part of our governmental system. Without it, the government would not be able to accomplish favorable legislation and vote to help businesses improve. 

We have been lobbying for over 20 years here at Dorn Policy Group and we have our client’s best interest at heart to change government legislation in the right direction. Our extensive experience and variety of industries we serve have made a top-tier lobbying firms in the Phoenix metro area. 

Contact us today to learn how we can help your business get things done within the Federal, State, or Local government. 

No matter how big or small a company is, there is a good chance hiring a lobbyist is an essential move to protect your business’ interests from burdensome government regulation. Advocacy groups can help the voice of business be heard, but how does one start looking for a good lobbyist that would be reputable for their business? Here are some things to look for when hiring a lobbyist for your business.

Look at Expertise and Industries

 It goes without saying, but sometimes it’s easy to overlook when hiring the right lobbyist. When searching online, be sure to check the industries they serve to ensure your business falls into one of the categories. If not, keep looking.  If yes, take a look at their areas of expertise and services. Lobbying firms have different types of services offered, whether it be specializing in political advising or strategic communications.  Make sure you find a good match for your needs. 


Of course, experience is crucial. However, it becomes very important when looking for a lobbyist to represent your interests. One of the best types of experiences a lobbyist can have is being an insider. This means a lobbyist who has served as an elected official or staff lawmakers has deeper insight into how to influence lawmakers. They will know through firsthand experience how the legislative process works and will advise based on their specialized knowledge. However, something to look out for is someone who is aligned with a political party and will sway in favor of the party’s beliefs instead of what is right for your business. 

Don’t Wait for a Crisis

Whether or not to hire a lobbyist may be a topic of discussion within your office. It may seem more appealing to save the money instead of adding another expense. However, it may be rather difficult to hire a lobbyist in a crisis situation. Having a lobbyist already in place before a policy issue arises will be the key to success. 

Here at Dorn Policy Group, we want to help you protect your business’ interests. It is not always easy to find finding a lobbyist that is a good fit for your company, but we want to help make it a little bit easier. Contact us to learn more about partnering with us to protect your interests.

Why is lobbying important? The short answer is it ensures a productive government. Without lobbyists, the government has a hard time sorting out differences of opinions when it comes to handling their citizens’ needs. 

Diving deeper into the details of lobbying, lobbyists are a great educational tool for legislators to use when voting on a subject matter they may not know much about. 

Strength in Numbers

You may wonder, why can’t a company and its management have direct contact to the government legislatures and represent themselves? One of the most important factors lobbyists have is access to government officials through experience and group goals. Legislatures are more likely to listen to the bearings of a group knowing there is large support behind it rather than just an individual or a single organization. 

In addition, what if citizens have conflicting interests? Lobbying can also help sort those interests out and provide some insight to legislatures. 

Ability to Follow-up

Another factor in the importance of a lobbyist is their ability to put pressure on government officials. There is a lot going on in government and new issues come in that could surpass other issues. Lobbyists have the ability to provide constant communication and shed light on its current issues. 

Partner With Dorn Policy Group

Here at Dorn Policy Group, we are one of the best lobby firms here in Phoenix, Arizona. 

With 20 years of experience, we provide advocacy for interest groups around the entire state of Arizona. We service a wide variety of clients, lobbying for them at the federal, state, county, municipal, district, and tribal level. Contact us to learn more about how we lobby for your issue.

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