January 28, 2021

2020 was a unique year with the global pandemic and presidential election. As we start to see the ramifications, we need to understand where we were and where we are going in Arizona politics. This affects everyone, especially those who own a business, medical practice, or are a member of an association. 


Tom Dorn, President of Dorn Policy Group, recently spoke about the 2021 Legislative Session and what is in store that impacts the healthcare industry. 






To give you a brief recap:


Election Results

  • The House stayed Republican, despite all the efforts and money the Democrats put into campaigning.
  • The Senate remained in Republican control, despite the Democrats picking up one seat.


Potential Issues

  • With regulations like masks and limiting the number of people together, how are we going to operate at the Capitol? This brings up constitutional issues because the public is potentially being prevented from participating in the legislative process.


The Future of Arizona’s Economy

  • The state of Arizona is in a good financial place. Arizona did not ask for a bailout from the Federal Government as a result of Governor Ducey’s rainy day fund.
  • The growth in Arizona’s economy will fund the government and grow infrastructure for the healthcare industry. It opens new opportunities for healthcare providers to open medical practices here. 


How to Make A Difference 

  • To let your voice be heard, partner up with associations or organizations in your industry that have already established credibility. For example, if you are in the medical field looking to bring an issue to the Legislature, partnering with the Maricopa County Medical Society gives you a feasible chance. 


When Does the Legislative Session End in Arizona?

  • Right now, we don’t know! Arizona may opt to have a shortened Session like in 2020, where all that is discussed are the necessary items, which means the Legislature could adjourn as early as February or March. 


Partner with a Premiere Arizona Lobbying Firm

At Dorn Policy Group, we want your voice to be heard. While the government players propose bills to become a law, shouldn’t you have a say as well?


We can help you shape the future of your organization. Partner with us today!


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