Dorn Policy Group

Traffic Cone in Street at Broadway Curve Widening

Maricopa County is in the midst of its largest urban freeway reconstruction project. The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is reconstructing Interstate 10 (I-10) between Loop 202 and Interstate 17 (I-17), transforming over 11 miles of interstate. This project includes several improvements that will enhance safety, reduce travel time, ease access to Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, and support the local economies, but Phoenix drivers can expect changes to freeway accessibility as construction begins.

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. is one of Arizona’s top public affairs firms. We are advocacy professionals who strive to obtain the results our clients want. ADOT is one of many state agencies we have extensive knowledge of and are proud to partner with on a number of projects. Read our blog post below and learn what the I-10 Broadway Curve widening project means for transportation in the Phoenix metropolitan area. 

Why ADOT is Prioritizing the Broadway Curve Widening

These improvements have been underway since early 2019 when ADOT began an environmental assessment of the area. However, the project recently achieved a major milestone, as ADOT issued a formal notice to begin construction. ADOT Director John Halikowski said, “delivering this project after years of study and careful consideration of public input demonstrates ADOT’s commitment to providing the safest, most reliable transportation system in the nation.” 

ADOT believes these improvements will benefit everyone who relies on the highway system. Millions of people who live in, work in, and visit Arizona every year could see a better flow of traffic and less congestion in transportation routes. These improvements also support Arizona’s global trade market efforts, as I-10 is a key commerce corridor.

The Infrastructure of the Broadway Curve Widening Project

Over 300,000 vehicles travel through the Broadway Curve on a daily basis, and traffic is anticipated to increase as the Phoenix metropolitan area continues to grow. The project will support traffic flow by addressing key improvements, such as:

  • Adding lanes to achieve six general-purpose lanes and two HOV lanes from 24th Street to US 60 Superstition Freeway. 
  • Connect the main travel lanes of the highway to frontage roads or entrance ramps between Baseline Road and 40th Street, with a collector-distributor road system, to separate local traffic from through traffic on I-10.
  • Creating a fourth general-purpose lane on I-10 from US 60 to Ray Road
  • Improving I-10 connections at SR 143, Broadway Road, and US 60 for better traffic flow and safety.
  • Replacing ramps and bridges at SR 143 and US 60 interchanges.
  • Adding two bridges over I-10 between Baseline Road and Broadway Road for pedestrians and bicyclists.
  • Improving the Sun Circle Trail crossing at Guadalupe Road.

What Arizonans Can Expect From the Broadway Curve Widening Project

As work on these various projects continues, Arizonans can expect to see construction activity to have some impact on travel. Construction will continue through 2024 in various areas. 

Arizonans can get updates and information about the I-10 Broadway Curve Improvement Project through The Curve mobile app. Through this app, ADOT plans to update drivers in the project area about closures and restrictions, real-time traffic information, detour routes, and more.

Dorn Policy Group is a Proud Arizona Government Relations Firm

Dorn Policy Group was founded in 2000 on the belief that integrity, tenacity, and client results should be the cornerstones of public affairs. We work with all levels and departments of government to ensure the demands of our community and clients are met. Contact us today and learn how we can help you enhance your government relations.  


Girl with degree from community colleges

Getting a college degree is more important and more expensive than ever before. Community colleges play a significant role in supporting students in higher education and equipping students with the skills and resources to enter the workforce. Community colleges in Arizona can now offer four-year degrees, but what does this look like, and how does it affect our economy? 

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. is one of Arizona’s top public affairs firms. We partner with organizations to ensure their business goals are met and voices are heard by Arizona’s elected officials. Read our blog post below and learn what four-year community college degrees mean for our economy. 

Rules for Community Colleges Offering Four Year Degrees

In May 2021, Governor Doug Ducey signed Senate Bill 1453, allowing community colleges to offer four-year degrees. Arizona joins 23 other states that allow community colleges to offer baccalaureate degrees. Under the new law, community colleges offering four-year programs have several limitations, including:

  • Programs must be based on workforce needs.
  • The community college must run a financial and administrative analysis of offering the degree program.
  • Community colleges must avoid duplicating programs offered at state schools. 

These rules are meant to limit the adverse effects of the bill on traditional four-year colleges. However, the new law does not allow public universities to prevent a community college from offering a baccalaureate degree, but it does place limitations on the number of four-year degrees a community college can offer. When a new program is added at a community college, bachelor’s degrees cannot make up more than 5% of the degrees for the first four years. After four years, the program cannot offer more than 10% bachelor’s degrees.

Effect of Community Colleges on Students

At Maricopa County Community Colleges, tuition for the first two years is capped at $1,020 a semester for 15 credit hours. The new law allows for a tuition increase of 150% for the last two years. Even with this increase, tuition would total a little more than $3,000 a semester. The average in-state tuition at Arizona State University is between $9,000 and $12,000, meaning that a four-year degree at a community college would cost much less to earn. This makes higher education affordable for lower-income families and students.

The new law opens the door for better representation of minority students in higher education. Maricopa Community College District Interim Chancellor Steven Gonzales said, “more students of color start at community colleges than anywhere else in higher education.” These students will sometimes transfer to four-year colleges, but oftentimes this is not an easy transition. The new law may also increase equity and access to more Arizonans who wish to further their education.

How This Affects the Economy

Maricopa Community Colleges can enroll students in four-year programs as early as fall 2023. The Governor’s Office released a statement that this bill is “an important and timely shift to reskill and upskill Arizona’s workforce to meet the needs of the growing economy and provide a pathway to economic prosperity for more Arizonans.” More four-year degrees should increase graduation rates and expand the skill set of Arizona’s workforce. This will be especially beneficial to high-need industries as many community colleges will offer programs in fields like health care, information technology, and education.

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. Advocates for Arizona

As one of the leading Arizona public affairs firms, we know how important it is to have relationships with key elected officials and community leaders. With such a large, diverse community, it can be difficult getting your voice heard. Dorn Policy Group, Inc. ensures you are represented in the best possible light. Contact us today and learn how we can help your business find success through strong government relations. 

A bottle of prescription drugs sitting on top of cash

Prescription drug price reforms are a major part of pending legislation in Congress. With prescription costs on the rise, Americans are dealing out large sums of cash to afford prescriptions. Americans pay more than three times what patients pay for the same brand of drugs in other first-world countries. Voters across the country are voicing their opinions on lowering the price of prescription drugs, but where do Arizona voters stand on the issue?

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. is one of Arizona’s top public affairs firms. We partner with organizations to ensure their business goals are met and voices are heard by Arizona’s elected officials. Read our blog post below and learn what Arizona voters think about prescription drug pricing legislation in Congress.  

Impact of High Prescription Drug Prices in Arizona

A study conducted by Data for Progress on behalf of Protect Our Care and Patients For Affordable Drugs Now, shows almost 8 out of 10 (79%) believe prescription drug costs are “unreasonable.” While many patients will spare the cash even for overpriced medication, these prices make prescriptions inaccessible to some. 

A survey commissioned by AARP Arizona found that one-third of voters have decided not to fill a prescription that a doctor has given them in the last two years. These steep prices have a stronger effect on minorities, as nearly half (46%) of Hispanic or Latino voters in Arizona have skipped filling a prescription, compared to only 29 percent of white voters. 

Should Medicare Have the Power to Negotiate the Price of Prescriptions?

Every year, Medicare spends more than $129 billion on prescription drugs, but is legally prohibited from negotiating with companies to get better prices. Congress is working on a plan that gives Medicare the power to negotiate lower prescription drug prices. The voter support study conducted by Data for Progress shows the overwhelming, bipartisan support for this reform across Arizona.  The data shows that 90 percent of Arizona voters back reforms that give Medicare the power to negotiate.

Arizona’s Stance on Other Proposals to Lower Prescription Drug Prices

Giving Medicare the power to negotiate was the most favored initiative for Arizona voters, but is not the only proposal pending in Congress. Other proposals include: 

  • Prevent charging the US more than other countries
  • Closing price loopholes
  • Putting a cap on seniors’ drug expenditures
  • Penalizing drug companies that raise their prices higher than inflation

A penalty of pharmaceutical companies raising prices higher than inflation was the least favored initiative in the survey,  but still garnered support from 84 percent of voters. An overwhelming majority of Arizona’s electorate agrees: Congress needs to tackle high prescription drug costs because some people can’t afford to buy medicine and pay for other necessities.

Would Lower Prescription Drug Prices Hurt Pharma Innovation?

While lowering prescription drug prices is highly favorable amongst Arizona voters, pharma’s top argument is that this type of reform could slow innovation and development of new prescription options. A majority of Arizona voters believe there must be a way to reduce prescription drug prices without stunting new product development, with 89 percent agreeing with the statement that “prices can be lowered without harming innovation.”

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. Advocates for Arizona

As one of the leading Arizona public affairs firms, we know how important it is to have relationships with key elected officials and community leaders. With such a large, diverse community, it can be difficult getting your voice heard. Dorn Policy Group, Inc. ensures you are represented in the best possible light. Contact us today and learn how we can help your business find success through strong government relations.

Saguaro Lake in Arizona

In mid-August, a water shortage was declared on the Colorado River for the first time in history. The Colorado River is the water source for around 40 million people in western states, including Arizona. Years of drought conditions have led to record low water levels at Lake Powell and Lake Mead, the river’s main reservoirs. Arizona is in the midst of a historic water shortage, but what can we do about it?

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. is one of Arizona’s top public affairs firms. We partner with organizations to ensure their business goals are met and voices are heard by Arizona’s elected officials. Read our blog post below and learn what Arizona officials and homeowners can do about the Arizona water shortage.  

What Does the Water Shortage Mean in Arizona? 

Much of the Western United States is suffering from an intense 22-year drought, resulting in increasingly low water levels, dry soil, and wildfires. The U.S. Department of Reclamation has made cuts to Arizona’s water supply, taking a large hit on the agriculture industry, which relies on large amounts of the state’s water supply for farming. State and national forests and parks, tourism, local economy, landscaping, and home building have also been impacted by worsening drought conditions. A Tier 1 water shortage has been declared, meaning that more water supply cuts are expected in 2022. 

Arizona’s population has experienced rapid growth over the last decade. While more people means more strain on the scarce water supply, population growth has also had a positive impact on water supply. As agricultural land is sold off to residential developers, the strain on the water supply is lowered because people in their homes use far less water than farmers. 

What Can Homeowners Do About the Water Shortage?

While homeowners may not have been majorly impacted by recent small cuts to the water supply, there are still things that they can do to reduce water waste inside and outside of their homes:

  • Make Your Landscaping Drought Resistant: Fill your yard with plants that don’t require regular watering to survive. Cacti, succulents, palms, and synthetic turf can thrive in drought conditions. 
  • Invest in Irrigation: Try to water your yard less, but if you are watering your yard, upgrade to high-efficiency sprinklers and nozzles that use less water. 
  • Avoid Fountains: Don’t install water features in your yard or home.
  • Upgrade Your Bathroom: Install dual flush toilets, low flow faucets, and showerheads to reduce water usage inside your home.

How is Arizona Taking Action

Arizona has focused on water planning and management for over a century. From water supply projects to drought preparedness programs, underground water storage, 100-year water supply requirements, mandatory conservation programs, and the use of reclaimed water, Arizona has made difficult water supply management decisions to meet water demands without rationing.

Professionals who study action plans for ensuring our future generations have continuous access to water say that Arizonans can expect to see significant investments in modern technology creating innovative systems to replenish the water supply and ease the drought. Some action has already been taken toward water conservation in Arizona:

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. Advocates for Water Availability 

As one of the leading Arizona government relations firms, we know how important it is to be noticed by key elected officials and community leaders. With such a large, diverse community, it can be difficult getting your voice heard. Dorn Policy Group, Inc. ensures you are represented in the best possible light. Contact us today and learn how we can help your business find success through strong government relations.

Girl takes online higher education course

Online options for higher education programs are on the rise. Anything from general education courses to graduate level courses are available to students from their own living room. Learning is more accessible than ever with online courses offering students flexible schedules, affordable options, and location freedom.

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. is one of Arizona’s leading government relations firms that specialize in making your voice heard by key policymakers to maximize your business’s success. Read our article below and learn more about how the availability of online courses may impact higher education.

About Online Courses

Online courses have become even more popular over the last couple of years as COVID-19 made distance learning a necessity in higher education. While many students have returned to campuses and lecture halls, online courses are available as alternatives to traditional in-person learning. A variety of educational institutions offer many different kinds of online learning opportunities through training courses, certifications, Bachelor’s, Master’s, and even PhD degrees. 

Advantages of Online Courses

The availability of online courses has multiple advantages for students beyond what their in-person counterparts offer. For many learners, the primary benefit of online learning is schedule flexibility. Students can earn their degree or certificate around full-time work schedules or on an accelerated timeline. In addition to schedule flexibility, online classes have several other advantages that make achieving educational and career goals more accessible:

  • Lower Costs: While students may pay the same per-credit tuition as on-campus learners, they save by not paying for on-campus housing, meal plans, and commute costs.
  • Comfortable Learning Environments: With the ability to study anywhere, online learners can complete coursework at home, a coffee shop, or a library.
  • Geographic Flexibility: Online learners do not have to relocate in order to attend premier schools. They can live close to family or have the freedom to travel while earning their degree.
  • Improving Technical Skills: Online courses teach students technical skills they need on the job. On top of their normal curriculum, they learn how to utilize software, do online research, and communicate effectively through technology.

Online Courses Impact on the Workforce

Online courses have many advantages for individuals looking to further their education, but they also have positive impacts outside of education. Students who are able to learn online can have a positive impact on the current and future workforce. According to a Brandon-Hall Study, e-learning typically requires 40-60 percent less time than learning the same material in a traditional classroom setting. Students are able to further their education without interrupting workflow. Online students are also more likely to finish their coursework. The Research Institute of America found that e-learning increases retention rates by 25-60 percent. Higher retention rates result in a more educated workforce down the road.

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. Advocates for Higher Education

With a variety of in-person and online learning options available, there’s no better time to consider continuing your education. Elected officials are constantly discussing legislation that impacts educational opportunities across Arizona, but that shouldn’t mean you can’t have a seat at the table.

When you partner with a government relations firm like Dorn Policy Group, Inc., you’re not just getting our support. You gain an invaluable partner that advocates for your success. With nearly 60 years of combined experience, we’re experts in obtaining the results you need for success. Contact us today to learn more about our services and what we can do for you. 

Girl Taking a picture. Arizona Tourism

Earlier this month, Governor Doug Ducey and the Arizona Office of Tourism announced 43 businesses and organizations across the state will receive more than $9.4 million in recovery grants. This is a sizeable investment towards one of the biggest hit industries in Arizona, and we look forward to the enormous impact it will have on our economy.

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. is one of Arizona’s leading government relations firms. We accomplish this by making your voice heard by key policymakers in the community. Tourism and recovery grants impact businesses across many industries. Read our article below to learn more about the recovery grants and what this could mean for the economy.

The Recovery Grants From the Visit Arizona Initiative

In an effort to attract out-of-state visitors, Arizona has set aside more than $9.4 million to support its tourism industry. 

The grants are a part of the Visit Arizona Initiative, which will use federal American Rescue Plan funds to help Arizona’s tourism industry rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“When visitors from across the globe travel to our great state, they stay in our hotels, eat at our restaurants, buy our products and enjoy our recreational activities. Their investments benefit Arizonans, and the Visit Arizona Initiative will help our tourism sector prosper — and continue to recover from the effects of the pandemic,” Governor Doug Ducey said in a press release about the Initiative.

Where Will the Tourism Recovery Grants Go?

The Arizona Office of Tourism will release the grant money through five programs:

    • The Visit Arizona Partnership will disburse $25 million in recovery grants to attract small and large-scale productions for operations that attract out-of-state visitors and raise the state’s profile.
    • The Visit Arizona Marketing program will offer $20 million in grants to help support the state’s strategic marketing plans to bring in visitors.
  • The Outdoor Tourism Revitalization program will offer $16 million in grants to help golf courses, trails, and outdoor recreation areas attract visitors.
  • The Legacy Tourism Revitalization program will help older golf courses modernize and improve their operations, and help increase water conservation and sustainability.
  • The Outdoor Attractions Revitalization program will support outdoor recreation via marketing, sustainability, and infrastructure improvements.

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. are Strong Advocates for the Tourism Industry

With greater support for our state’s tourism, there is no better time to consider strong advocacy to protect your business. Elected officials are constantly discussing legislation that impacts businesses across Arizona, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a seat at the table.

When you partner with a government relations firm like Dorn Policy Group, Inc., you’re not just getting our support. You gain an invaluable partner that advocates for your success. With nearly 60 years of combined experience, we’re experts in obtaining the results you need for success. Contact us today to learn more about our services and what we can do for you. 

Cyber Security in Cyber Command Center

In early October, Governor Doug Ducey launched Arizona’s new Cyber Command Center during a ceremony at the Department of Public Safety’s Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center (ACTIC) in Phoenix. The reason behind the new center and state-of-the-art technology is to subdue the growing threat of malicious cyber activity around the world. 

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. is one of Arizona’s top public affairs consulting firms. We partner with organizations to ensure their business goals are met and voices are heard by Arizona’s elected officials. Read our blog post below and learn how Arizona’s new Cyber Command Center will boost our economy and protect our cyber infrastructure.

Cybersecurity is a Global Issue

In a recent Global Risk Report from the World Economic Forum, researchers found that cybersecurity is one of the most concerning risks impacting economies worldwide. Of 650 World Economic Forum leaders, nearly 40% cited cybersecurity as a clear detriment to the global economy. 

Maybe this is due to our dependence on technology. Or, maybe it is a ripple effect caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Whatever the case, it is an issue that must be addressed. 

The Arizona Command Center Aims to Protect Our Economy

Researchers found that Arizona lost nearly $1.6 billion from data breaches, and 10.9 million records were stolen or lost as a direct result. Moreover, they found that Arizona schools have leaked over 2.8 million records online since 2005. Cybersecurity has also been a huge concern for Arizona’s health institutions, having cost an estimated $4.2 million and exposed the records of over 11,000 patients in the state. 

With technology being so common-place, from both a personal and business perspective, something must be done to protect the infrastructure from cyberattacks. The Arizona Cyber Command Center will play a critical role in protecting Arizonans and ensuring our cyber infrastructure remains safe and secure. It will be the state’s headquarters for coordinating statewide cybersecurity operations and will work with local, state, and federal agencies in preventing online attacks. 

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. Advocates for Stronger Cybersecurity

As one of the leading Arizona government relations firms, we know how important it is to be noticed by key elected officials and community leaders. With such a large, diverse community, it can be difficult getting your voice heard. Dorn Policy Group, Inc. ensures you are represented in the best possible light. Contact us today and learn how we can help your business find success through strong government relations. 

A woman standing on top of an Arizona cliff tourism

Arizona is a hotbed for tourism between its beautiful range of recreation areas, annual spring training excitement, and year-round comfortable weather. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic completely stalled the state’s tourism industry and changed many people’s vacation plans to the Grand Canyon state. Now that we’re leaving the clutches of the pandemic, will tourism recover in Arizona? 

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. is one of Arizona’s leading government relations firms. We specialize in providing strong advocacy to obtain the results our clients want. We work closely with our clients to ensure they’re represented in the best possible light to our elected officials. Read our article below to learn how Arizona tourism is recovering in a post-COVID world.

How Did COVID-19 Impact Arizona Tourism?

According to the Arizona Office of Tourism’s report, travelers spent nearly $15 billion in Arizona in 2020. While that number does seem like a lot, it may be a surprise to learn that it was down 41% from the previous year. The report also indicates that the decrease in spending resulted in a 28.1% decline to $2.7 billion in tax revenue.

These numbers indicate something that we all already understood: the tourism and hospitality industry was hit especially hard. Even with the support of the CARES Act, earnings will still be much lower than in previous years. In July, Governor Doug Ducey announced $101.1 million in federal relief money from the American Rescue Plan to be allocated for tourism marketing, local community programs, event support, and outdoor recreation improvements with a program called the Visit Arizona Initiative

How is Tourism Recovering?

While we likely won’t be seeing strong numbers like we were before the pandemic, we should see an increase when compared to 2020. The Arizona Office of Tourism states that the tourism industry is finally bouncing back as more people become vaccinated and businesses start to open back up. However, the tourism industry is facing another crisis – staff shortage. According to many hotel and resort owners, the biggest concern they have right now is finding good employees.

Arizona Tourism Needs an Advocate: Dorn Policy Group, Inc. is Here

As one of the leading Arizona government relations firms, we know how important it is to be noticed by key elected officials and community leaders. With such a large, diverse community in Arizona, it can be difficult getting your voice heard. 

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. ensures your cause is amplified and that you benefit from strong government relations and proper support from your elected officials. Contact us today and learn how we can help you.

Two men shaking hands about the technology industry in arizona

In a recent study by the U.S. Census Bureau, Phoenix saw the largest population growth between 2010 and 2020. This is due to a number of factors, such as a large job market, housing prices, weather, and lifestyle. As one of the hottest job markets in the country, the technology industry is one of the many growing sectors in Arizona.

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. is one of Arizona’s top public affairs consulting firms. We partner with organizations to ensure their business goals are met and voices are heard by Arizona’s elected officials. Read our blog post below and learn how the booming technology industry is impacting Arizona’s economy.

A Growing Presence in the Technology Industry

According to a second-quarter 2021 report from DiceTech, the Phoenix metropolitan area had the eighth largest quarter-to-quarter jump in job posting volume among all U.S. cities. 

The Valley’s increase in job postings is reflective of the impact the technology sector can have on our economy. Over the past year and a half, Arizona has looked to the technology industry to continue our state’s growth, protect Arizonans and allow businesses to easily connect with employees and consumers. 

The technology industry has played an important role in our economy and it’s showing no signs of slowing down.

Who is Leading the Charge in Arizona’s Technology Industry?

There are many key players in Arizona’s technology sector. It’s hard to miss the presence of Intel, Raytheon, Honeywell, CP North America, and many others. 

It’s also hard not to highlight the different areas of technology rapidly growing in our state. This includes:

  • Education technology
  • Bioscience
  • Autonomous and electric vehicles
  • Healthcare technology
  • And many more

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. Advocates for a Strong Technology Presence

As one of the leading Arizona government relations firms, we know how important it is to be noticed by key elected officials and community leaders. With such a large, diverse community, it can be difficult getting your voice heard. Especially, when you’re a newly emerging technology company.

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. ensures the technology industry is represented in the best possible light. Contact us today and learn how we can help your business find success through strong government relations. 

Two businesswoman shaking hands as they discuss Arizona Employment

The COVID-19 pandemic took a heavy toll on many businesses and their employees. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor, of the 18.1 million people unemployed in June 2020, 11.4 million were unable to work because their employer closed up shop. The other unemployed individuals were either laid off, already unemployed, or unable to work. Fortunately, Arizona employment rates are coming back stronger than ever!

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. is one of Arizona’s leading government relations firms that specialize in maximizing your business’s success. We accomplish this by strategically giving you a voice that is heard by key policymakers in your community. Read our article below and learn why Arizona employment is setting an example for the rest of the United States. 

Arizona Employment Levels During the Pandemic

According to  in June 2020, more than 1.6 million Arizonans were collecting some form of unemployment benefits. The pandemic hit many businesses, but it especially hurt those in the hospitality, travel, and tourism, and restaurant industries. In retrospect, that number would grow even higher in the following months due to various factors. However, the tide is beginning to turn.

Arizona Employment is Coming Back

A recent study conducted by the Office of Economic Opportunity found that Arizona’s labor force has exceeded pre-pandemic levels. This is great news for businesses across the Copper State, as they begin to open back up and experience renewed excitement from consumers. Additionally, the situation is even better for private sector employers, recovering 98% of the employees before the pandemic. People are looking for work and with businesses returning to normal operations, there are many new opportunities. But, there still is an issue.f

Renewed Employment Leads to New Advocacy

With a resurgence of employment occurring, now is the time to consider strong advocacy to protect your business. Elected officials are constantly discussing legislation that impacts businesses across Arizona, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a seat at the table. 

When you partner with a government relations firm like Dorn Policy Group, Inc., you’re not just getting our support. You gain an invaluable partner that advocates for your success. With nearly 60 years of combined experience, we’re experts in obtaining the results you need for success. Contact us today to learn more about our services and what we can do for you. 

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