Dorn Policy Group

Taking Notes in Notebook with the Chamber of Commerce

Looking to expand your presence and grow your business’s revenue? Joining your local chamber of commerce can be an exceptional opportunity to push your small businesses to the next level. 

But, what exactly is a chamber of commerce and how can it benefit your business?

What is a Chamber of Commerce?

It is a local network designed to help business owners connect with other businesses in a formal environment. 

Small Businesses Benefits of Joining a Chamber of Commerce

Not only will it help grow your network of local businesses, but joining can bring a number of other perks. Including:

  • Acquiring customer referrals
  • Receive chamber newsletters
  • Increase visibility in your community
  • Bring credibility to your business

Additionally, joining your local chamber gives you a voice in government; giving you resources to share your concern for new regulations, taxes, and other impacts on your business. 

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. Can Amplify Your Voice in All Levels of Government

With nearly 60 years of combined government experience, Dorn Policy Group can advocate on your behalf at the Federal, State, County, Municipal, District, and Tribal levels. 

Contact us to learn what Dorn Policy Group, Inc. can do for you.

A person holding several hundred dollars after sports betting

As of April 2021, sports betting is officially legal in the State of Arizona. The new law officially launched on September 9th, 2021, perfect timing for the upcoming NFL and NBA seasons. Online account registration is already underway and the industry is expected to make a big impact on the local economy. 

As one of the top government relations firms in Arizona, we work hand-in-hand with government agencies and private sector businesses. We work with our clients to ensure their business needs are met and that they are aware of any legislation that might affect their operations. Read our article below and learn what legal sports betting means for Arizona. 

What Exactly is Legal Sports Betting?

Sports betting is one of the most common forms of gambling in the world. In general, sports betting is when you place a wager, or bet, on the outcome of a particular sports event.  In today’s digital landscape, it’s become even more prominent with a wide variety of online bookies and sports fans engaging in the activity. 

There is a growing interest in sports betting across the country. However, it’s only legal in about two dozen states. Arizona is one of the latest additions.

What is Included in the Sports Betting Regulation?

Arizona’s gaming compact lays out who and where people can place their bets. Additionally, it includes 10 “limited” licenses available to horse tracks and other betting sites that wish to partner with a local, license-holding tribe or sports organization. 

The legislation prioritizes tribal betting operations, but also includes measures for commercial collaboration. This means gamblers will be able to place bets on the Arizona Cardinals at casinos that partner with the team. 

What You Can Expect 

Sports gambling companies are starting to facilitate operations in Arizona. For example, FanDuel is developing its own Phoenix-based sportsbook to deliver its bookie services to sports fans. You will be able to place your bets with FanDuel at the Footprint Center, just in time for the Phoenix Suns and Mercury seasons. By allowing legal sports betting into our community, the state is generating additional revenue for economic development and infrastructure. 

Another thing you can expect from legalized sports betting is an even stronger athletics industry. This will not only drive up viewership and engagement across all sports leagues, but the money will trickle down to local businesses. Additionally, it will energize tourism and associated spending throughout the state. 

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. Advocates for Sports Gambling

Founded over 20 years ago, Dorn Policy Group, Inc. was founded on the belief that integrity, tenacity, and client results should be the cornerstones of quality government relations. We approach every task with this mindset to ensure we obtain the results our clients require. That is why we utilize direct lobbying and grassroots lobbying strategies to showcase our client to key elected officials and other industry professionals. 

Contact Dorn Policy Group, Inc. today and learn how our team of government relations specialists can help your business stay on top of issues that matter to you.

arrow on the road pointing to the left

If you have ever driven to northern Arizona, you know the only direct route from the Phoenix area is Interstate 17 (I-17). Recently, the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) announced its intention to make improvements to the highway to increase capacity and safety. But, how exactly will ADOT achieve this goal?

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. is one of Arizona’s top government relations firms. We are advocacy professionals who strive to obtain the results our clients want. ADOT is one of many state agencies we have extensive experience with and are proud to work with on a number of projects. Read our blog post below and learn what the I-17 widening means for our state and future travel up north. 

What is Going Into the Improvement Project?

Back in 2019, Governor Doug Ducey announced his intention to improve the I-17 north of Phoenix. The investments in the project – which exceed $300 million – will widen the interstate to three lanes along a 15 mile stretch from Anthem to Black Canyon City. Additionally, the interstate will feature an 8-mile system of flex lanes between Black Canyon City and Sunset Point. 

Why Widen the I-17?

The improvements to the highway have been a high priority for elected officials and infrastructure professionals for many years. On an average weekday, about 25,000 cars travel the interstate; while on weekends that number can easily double. Moreover, if an accident happens on the highway it can significantly delay traffic. 

Doug Nintzel, a spokesman for ADOT, explains, “We’ve always faced this challenge of I-17 in that Black Canyon City region being such a mountainous, winding area and it’s prone to fender benders, to crashes, to even disabled vehicles.” He continues, “It’s going to make a world of difference as we look to things like busy holiday weekends when traffic may come to a standstill, the summer months and summer weekends, the ability to have this extra traffic capacity will make a big difference. Especially if you had an incident out there.” 

The Infrastructure of the I-17 Widening Project

The project will support northbound traffic by addressing key improvements, such as:

  • Adding lanes to achieve three general-purpose lanes in each direction from Anthem Way to north of Coldwater Canyon Road 
  • Adding two flex lanes parallel to the southbound lanes from north of  Coldwater Canyon Road to the Sunset Point Rest Area
  • Improving bridges, drainage, traffic, and roadways to accommodate the proposed widening
  • Relocating or protecting utilities in the corridor
  • Adding intelligent transportation system (ITS) technology to improve traffic flow and the operation of the flex lanes
  • Improving signage

Dorn Policy Group is a Proud Arizona Government Relations Firm

Dorn Policy Group was founded in 2000 on the belief that integrity, tenacity, and client results should be the cornerstones of government relations. We work with all levels and departments of government to ensure the demands of our community and clients are met. We partner with a wide range of industries, including those in transportation, education, energy, healthcare, and many more. Contact us today and learn how we can help you enhance your government relations.

Stormy Arizona Monsoon weather over a beautiful landscape

While most people assume Arizona is a desolate desert, it can actually be a wet oasis. 2021 has seen an exceedingly rainy summer. Although it has been beneficial  for our vegetation, wildlife, and daily living, the Arizona monsoon season can also be quite dangerous.

Arizona Monsoon Floods Gila Bend

Earlier this month, Governor Doug Ducey issued an emergency declaration to support Gila Bend after severe flooding. 

Maricopa County also declared an emergency, enabling the county Department of Emergency Management to begin coordinating various organizations to assist in the response. 

Maricopa County provided residents with more than 30 tons of sandbags, as well as access to equipment and supplies to remove debris and other cleanup efforts

The Aftermath of the Monsoon and Flood in Gila Bend

According to the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, public safety officers rescued at least 30 people and two others died as a result of the flooding

Additionally, The American Red Cross opened an emergency center and shelter at Gila Bend High School for those impacted by the floods.

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. Can Help With Your Government Relations

The Arizona monsoon season can have a heavy impact on our environment and energy infrastructure and must be properly funded in order to recover from the storm damage. Dorn Policy Group, Inc. are experts in advocacy and work closely with you and elected officials to secure appropriate funding.

Contact us today to learn more about our environment and energy advocacy expertise!

Brain Injury Alliance of Arizona

Our brain is one of, if not the most critical part of our bodies. The Brain Injury Alliance of Arizona is stepping up to serve thousands of members of the disabled community and their families in Arizona. Dorn Policy Group is honored to partner with the Alliance to advocate for support from our local government officials. Read our article below to learn more about our partnership and what we are doing to help their cause. 

Who is the Brain Injury Alliance of Arizona?

35 years ago, the Brain Injury Alliance of Arizona was founded in Tucson by a group of parents on a mission to advocate for their pediatric and adult children with a brain injury. Today, the Alliance is a statewide organization that supports individuals with brain injuries and the experts who serve them. Their primary focus is prevention, education, and awareness. 

Additionally, they hold a 4-day camp for adult brain injury survivors called Camp Can Do. A signature program that connects survivors with nature, forms worthwhile friendships and enjoys increased independence. The camp is composed of physical and occupational therapy students serving as volunteers with the goal of helping campers gain real-world experience and promote social activity. 

COVID-19 Impacts the Brain Injury Alliance of Arizona

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted most aspects of our world, from our education and healthcare system to our businesses. The virus has touched everyone and every industry, and the Brain Injury Alliance is no exception. 

While the coronavirus is often considered a lung disease, the virus can cause issues with neuro-coupling mechanisms in the delivery of oxygen to the organs in our body. Additionally, the brain is susceptible to injury when there is oxygen deprivation and can lead to neuro-fatigue, memory issues, post-COVID strokes, and other emerging neuro-ailments. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Brain Injury Alliance of Arizona was unable to host their annual Brain Health Gala, which typically earns $250,000 in donations towards the organization. The nonprofit also canceled its 2020 and 2021 fundraising walk event which raises $45,000 annually towards various programs. Camp Can Do was also canceled. 

What Dorn Policy Group Did to Help the Brain Injury Alliance

Advocacy is vital for most companies, but this is especially true for nonprofit organizations. Dorn Policy Group is experienced in providing organizations like the Brain Injury Alliance of Arizona with advocacy for both policies and funding.

Under our guidance and advocacy efforts, we were able to secure the Alliance with much-needed funding from the CARES Act. With this funding, the organization will use its $133,000 allotment to support the growing demand for its services during the pandemic. 

Additionally, we help each of our clients by:

  • Monitoring government-related activity that can potentially affect their organization and industry
  • Cultivating community relationships in both the public and private sectors to secure funding
  • Informing our client on existing laws and regulations, as well as proposed legislation that may hinder their operations. 

Dorn Policy Group Helps Nonprofits Move Forward

As one of the top Arizona lobbyists, we know how important it is to be noticed by key elected officials and community leaders. We are proud to assist the Brain Injury Alliance of Arizona in their initiative and look forward to their future growth.

By partnering with Dorn Policy Group, you can rest easy knowing that you have skilled advocates looking out for your best interests. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you today.

the American flag and the Clean Elections Committee

Have you ever wondered what the Clean Elections Commission is? The Citizens Clean Elections Act, passed by voters in 1998, is administered by a five member, non-partisan Commission. It established a system for voter education, clean funding for candidate campaigns, and campaign finance enforcement. But what is its purpose?  The Act was created to restore confidence and citizen participation in the election system, as well as improve the integrity of government while also promoting the freedom of speech. 

The Different Clean Elections Programs

The Clean Elections programs consist of many different areas of focus including voter education, public financing, campaign finance enforcement, and the clean elections fund. Let’s take a look at each program separately: 

  • Voter Education: This program consists of a robust voter education plan. Its focus is to educate voters about the logistics of voting. 
  • Public Financing: The Commission provides a public financing program to qualified statewide and legislative candidates. To qualify, they must collect a certain number of $5 qualifying contributions and agree to not accept contributions from PACs and corporations. 
  • Campaign Finance Enforcement: This program allows The Commission to assess civil penalties on both participating and non-participating candidates. 
  • Clean Elections Fund: The voters of Arizona established this fund which consists of a 10% surcharge on all civil penalties and criminal fines, civil penalties paid by candidates, and $5 qualifying contributions collected from participating candidates. 

What Is a Clean Election? 

According to Tom Collins, Executive Director of the Arizona Citizens Clean Elections Commission, a clean election is one where everyone who is eligible to participate, does. If only a small participating group is working to shape the future, it becomes a missed opportunity for improvement. 

To encourage more people to vote, the Citizens Clean Elections Commission (CCEC) focuses on voter education. Voter participation is up during presidential election years and down during off years. Typically, local elections receive the lowest turnout. The CCEC has introduced new tools and services designed to carry voters through the election process from beginning to end. As part of the CCEC statewide debate program, voters will be given the opportunity to ask candidates questions either in-person or online. The public can rely on the CCEC to guide voters through the process of getting to know the candidates to help them assess and cast their ballot. 

How To Register To Vote

Voting is an opportunity to participate in the political process. There are several requirements when registering to vote in Arizona including being a citizen of the United States and being 18 years of age or older on or before the general election date. For the full list of voting requirements and to find out how to vote, click here.

Dorn Policy Group Will Advocate For You

Lobbying encourages people to participate in government and voice their concerns. With nearly 60 years of combined government relations experience, Dorn Policy Group, Inc. can advocate on your behalf at the Federal, State, County, Municipal, District, and Tribal levels. 

Contact us to learn more about how to become a partner with Dorn Policy Group, Inc.

The Arizona Trail located in Arizona

As an Arizona resident, you probably already know how important recreational trails are to our state. Not only does it allow us to enjoy the natural beauty of our communities, but studies have also shown they promote great health and invite tourism. Recently, Dorn Policy Group, Inc. has partnered with The Arizona Trail to advocate for increased funding to help protect and advance their 800-mile path from Mexico to Utah. 

For over 20 years, Dorn Policy Group, Inc. has been one of Arizona’s trusted lobbying firms, providing exceptional advocacy and consultation in government relations. We partner with organizations to ensure their goals are being met and voices are being heard by Arizona’s elected officials. Read our article below and learn about our partnership with The Arizona Trail.

What is The Arizona Trail?

This incredible organization was the dream of Dale Shewalter, who envisioned a state-long trail that would connect Nogales to the Utah state line. The idea was embraced by trail enthusiasts and park systems from the local, state, and federal levels. 

Since then, The Arizona Trail has become one of the country’s premier long-distance trails for its diverse mountain ranges, canyons, deserts, and historic sites only seen on its path. Through its dedication and passion for Arizona’s beautiful landscape, the organization demonstrates what trail users and land managers can accomplish when they share a common vision. 

Today, The Arizona Trail contributes significantly to Arizona’s $21.2 billion outdoor recreation economy and has become a beloved strip of natural land for outdoor enthusiasts. In 2006, it was designated a State Scenic Trail and a National Scenic Trail in 2009.

What is Dorn Policy Group Doing to Help The Arizona Trail?

Part of The Arizona Trail’s mission is to encourage exploration and connect people with nature. But, state funding is absolutely vital for any park or trail system. It ensures the grounds, trails, and the beauty of the environment are properly maintained to benefit enthusiasts and local wildlife alike. 

While the Arizona Legislature worked on the state budget this year, supporters for the Arizona Trail began advocating for a modest appropriation towards the organization’s efforts. This funding would be used to hire conservation corps to conduct priority trail construction, maintenance, and wildlife mitigation beyond most volunteers’ expertise. 

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. led the charge in advocating for an additional appropriation towards this wonderful organization. We have been involved in similar advocacy efforts in the past by supporting public safety, health, and recreation organizations in Arizona. For The Arizona Trail, our team of government relations specialists strategically found ways to best present our client’s case to our elected officials. This cemented incredible results for the organization and highlights just how important this trail is to our economy.  

Dorn Policy Group is Proud to Help Move Organizations Forward

As one of the leading Arizona lobbying firms, we know how important it is to be noticed by key elected officials and community leaders. With such a large, diverse community in Arizona, it can be difficult getting your voice heard. Dorn Policy Group, Inc. ensures your cause is amplified and that you benefit from strong government relations and proper support from your elected officials. Contact us today and learn how we can help your organization move forward.

government Referendums and Propositions

Do you want to see a piece of legislation on your next voter ballot? Referendums and propositions are two processes used to do just that. 

What exactly are referendums and propositions, and what are their roles in the democratic process?

What is a Referendum?

Referendum is a general term which refers to a measure that appears on a voter ballot. It allows citizens, through the petition process, to refer acts of the legislature to the ballot before they become law.
Additionally, it permits the Legislature itself to refer proposed legislation to the electorate for approval or rejection. 

There are two types of referenda; referendum measures and referendum bills.

Referendum measures are laws recently passed by lawmakers that are placed on the ballot because of petitions signed by citizens.

Referendum bills are proposed laws referred to the voters by lawmakers. 

What is a Proposition?

A proposition is typically a proposed piece of legislation that a portion of the state population wishes to see enacted. They are usually a result of an initiative, a method by voters to propose new laws or amend existing ones through the petition process.

Propositions can be controversial, as groups are often willing to legislate in areas that politicians would not touch for fear of the political consequences. 

Dorn Policy Group Knows Government Referendums and Propositions

Lobbying encourages people to participate in government and voice their concerns. With nearly 60 years of combined government experience, Dorn Policy Group can advocate on your behalf at the Federal, State, County, Municipal, District, and Tribal levels. 

Contact us to learn more about how to become a partner with Dorn Policy Group, Inc.

AZadvances researcher working at a lab desk

Here at Dorn Policy Group, Inc., we are proud of the work we do and the relationships we build. As an Arizona-based company, we strive to better our community, and one way we do just that is by partnering with organizations with that same mission in mind. AZAdvances is one of those organizations. They work with Arizona researchers and early-stage life science companies that are discovering, developing, and delivering treatments and cures for some of our greatest health challenges. We are honored to partner with this industry-leading organization and look forward to continuing our work toward a healthier Arizona.

Dorn Policy Group, Inc. was founded on the belief that integrity, tenacity, and client results should be the cornerstones of quality government relations. Since then, we have become one of Arizona’s leading government relations firms and have assisted many well-known companies with their government affairs. Read our article below to learn more about our partnership with AZAdvances.

Who is AZAdvances?

Our client is on a mission to advance health innovations from discovery to development to delivery, by providing ongoing funding and support that moves Arizona discoveries into development. The lack of Arizona-based funding for research and early-stage life science companies can hinder health innovations that benefit all Arizonans. That is why they have partnered with Dorn Policy Group, Inc. – to create a sustainable funding source to address the needs of Arizona-based companies to develop and advance healthcare solutions.

What Does Dorn Policy Group Do for AZAdvances?

Advocacy is key for any company on a mission for change. That is where Dorn Policy Group, Inc. comes in. We provide strategic counsel and issue management, as well as advocate for policies on behalf of our client. Additionally, we alert them to key legislative deadlines to ensure they stay on top of current legislation that may require their attention.

Furthermore, we assist AZAdvances by:
● Monitoring government-related activity that can potentially affect their organization and industry
● Cultivating community relationships in both the public and private sectors to secure project funding
● Educating elected officials on policies and initiatives that promote a robust and competitive bioscience industry in Arizona and develop strong professional partnerships with other like-minded organizations
● Informing our client on existing laws and regulations, as well as proposed legislation that may hinder their operations. Additionally, we provide information to help make educated decisions and take strategic steps to further advance their mission

Dorn Policy Group Moves Companies Forward With Strong Government Relations

As one of the top Arizona lobbyists, we know how important it is to be noticed by key elected officials and community leaders. AZAdvances is an excellent example of a company on a mission to better our community by funding Arizona’s growing bioscience industry. We are proud to assist in their initiative and look forward to their future growth.
By partnering with Dorn Policy Group, you can rest assured knowing that you have skilled advocates looking out for your best interests. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you today.

government building in Washington, DC

Government is a revolving door with elected officials constantly developing new laws and regulations that impact businesses. It’s like that old saying goes: it’s all about who you know. 

How Does Lobbying Affect State and Federal Government?

When it comes to lobbying, we act as the middleman between organizations and elected officials to influence policy decisions on a specific issue. As one of Arizona’s top lobbying firms, we work closely with all levels of government to ensure our client’s best interests are at heart. 

Influencing policy is a core part of a sound democratic system. Lobbying provides the voiceless with a microphone to amplify their message. Whether it be for or against tax reform, minimum wage increases, or regulations that impede business operations, we are your ally in all things public policy. 

Lobbying provides a way for businesses to connect with elected officials on issues that matter to them. Additionally, lobbyists help guide the conversation to ensure your interests are being heard by those that matter.

Lobbying Brings a Balance Between Public Interest and Legislation

With a diverse population comes a variety of opinions, both in government and in the community. Each side wants their voices heard, but with so much commotion it can be hard for policymakers to fully grasp the scope of the issue. 

It is the lobbyist’s job to articulate one’s case to a wide audience. This will ensure  balance through constructive discussions and exceptional representation of interests. 

Dorn Policy Group Is the Go-To for Lobbying Services

Lobbying encourages people to participate in government and voice their concerns. With nearly 60 years of combined government experience, Dorn Policy Group can advocate on your behalf at the Federal, State, County, Municipal, District, and Tribal levels. 

Contact us to learn more about how to become a partner with Dorn Policy Group.

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